Verdigris Mad Max

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Dagobah Swamp

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 51 Cards


Deck Price: $21.45
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Published May 09, 2024

Mid rangish, very budget friendly Vader blue control/mid-range deck. Extra Imperial Interceptor and 3 Ruthless Raider to try and makeup for missing Avenger. Pretty good control in space and on the ground. Lots of removal with decent tail end finishers with Vader and Palp. Repair and devotion for sustain against agro/late game sustain. Bombing runs are the next best thing to the Superlaser so I run a couple of those for board clear to control and reset if need be. Still testing and I've owned cards for all of 3 days so I'll be adding 2 power of the dark side when I can get my hands on them. Probably take out a force choke and maybe an Imperial Interceptor to add those to the deck but will probably add them to the side deck when I get more familiar with how that works. Long time hearthstone legend player so I think I'm picking up on the game pretty quick, just need the funds to put stuff out there. Good luck and have fun everyone!



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